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Working As A Freelance Writer: How To Develop Your Skills

  1. Read.
  2. Seriously. Read everything. The more you read the more you will immerse yourself in all of the existing literary worlds of the internet age. Read tangible books in conjunction with newspapers and the internet posts you enjoy. This will expose you to not only new concepts but new literary devices and a variety of potentially new vocabulary. It never hurts to read.

  3. Write.
  4. Again: seriously. The more you write the better you will get at what you do. Even if you don’t have a freelance job at the moment take some time to challenge yourself by reading and tasking yourself to write. You may be surprised and find that what you wrote can be sold to another client at another time or perhaps a client you previously had wants a new job and you already have the perfect background content for it.

  5. Take on new jobs.
  6. This does not mean stick to what you know. Many freelance writers decide that they love one or two things and will only focus on that. They try and narrow their focus too much and in doing so they limit themselves to potential work and potential improvement of their skills. For example: one freelance writer loved fashion and decided she wanted to be a fashion writer. But she also refused to take on any topic that was not explicitly related to fashion. She refused to write pieces that were not fashion blog in their content and style. In doing so she surpassed many jobs that could have exposed her to a lot. She backed this decision with the idea that she was not necessarily familiar with other topics and therefore would not be an expert. But there is always time to research other topics. And it is this research that really exposes you to more information as well as more writing. It gives you a chance to read and it challenges you to expand your skill set.

  7. Review style guides.
  8. In your spare time look over writing guides or take online tests that expose you to a certain internet based idea. Try and familiarize yourself with something that may be useful in the future such as SEO tactics.

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