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Composing A Resume For Writing Jobs Online

Writing a resume that will make a positive and lasting impression on a prospective employer, is a critical skill in today's cutthroat business environment. Applying for an online writing job means you'll need a resume that is free of any grammatical errors, well-written and often includes a portfolio. You do not need to include all of your previous work. Instead, attach a few relevant samples of your best pieces.

Three Basic Resume Formats:

  1. Chronological Format

  2. You can choose to arrange your previous writing experience in chronological order. Usually the most recent jobs would be listed, followed by those further back in your job history. You can include all of your previous employment information, or just those jobs which were related to writing in some way.

  3. Functional Resume Format

  4. Functional resumes emphasize the skill sets that you have, as opposed to the positions you have held. This can help present you in a more positive light if you have gaps in your job history or have moved around a lot. If you are new to freelance writing, or writing jobs in general, this may be a good format to use. You can focus on the skills and knowledge you have that will help you in a writing job, as opposed to the lack of actual employment experience in the journalism/freelance writing sector.

  5. Combination Format

  6. Sometimes a resume may be arranged chronologically, but display relevant skills as subheadings under each job experience. This is known as a combination format resume.

Tips For Composing The Best Resume For Online Writing Positions

  • Use a basic font, in an appropriate size (Arial12, for example). Your resume should make an immediate, professional impact and be easy to navigate and read.

  • Ensure that your contact information is complete and up to date. If you can provide a link to online examples of previously published work, or a portfolio, be sure and do so. Clients looking to hire writers online will want instant access to examples of articles, web content and other projects that you have worked on.

  • Online resumes should include keywords as well. This way, if a prospective employer is using a search engine to hunt down a writer, your resume has a better chance of turning up.

  • Prioritize the strengths and skills that you believe best qualify you for a writing assignment. Don't be afraid to include unpaid writing work or volunteer experiences that you have had (as long as they are connected in some way to the position being applied for!)

  • Check for any spelling and grammar mistakes. Now check again! Sloppy mistakes in your resume could immediately eliminate you from an online writing job competition.

Good luck!

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