writers needed

Freelance writing online jobs offer good salary

Are you tired of working 9-5 in an office that doesn’t even offer you your own cubicle space and a boss who isn’t appreciative of your hard work and effort? If you think you have what it takes to write more than 50 article a week with unique content every single time then you are most probably looking for well paid freelance jobs online. Are these jobs well paid? If you really want to know you need to search a bit before choosing your employer.

We will never recommend you to expect paying your bills and rent out of your freelance salaries right away. It takes time and effort to reach that level where you can earn so much you don’t have to resort to any other thing. You will find thousands of articles and ranking websites pointing you in the direction of possible employers some ever offering you $5000 per month as a blogger or a writer. But being very realistic, nobody can make that kind of money so easily.

These employing companies have different pay packages for native and non-native writers. Non-native writers tend to get paid half of what native writer make. The only reason being, native writers are preferred because of their verbal and written language proficiency. If you still want to know how much you can make out of freelancing, read the below mentioned facts:

  • Do some preliminary research about what other authors of similar profile as yours are making over the internet. You can review national statistics or individual studies that have been conducted on freelancers. This will give you an idea about the going price of freelancers currently in the market.

  • Now that you know what others are making, set yourself a goal of how much you would wish to make as a freelance writer or graphic designer. Are you looking for a way to raise a family or you just want to earn your own pocket money? You need to decide.

  • Now you can look for employers, specify your availability and work flexibility requirements and also negotiate a reasonable salary.

But make no mistake, you won’t find anyone willing to pay you a thousand bucks for a 400 words article. Every website you consult will offer you similar rates. You’ll have to work hard and gradually build up your portfolio before expecting to be offered extraordinarily high paying jobs.

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Writing Jobs

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